It's really common for those of us in the sustainable niche to bash all over Black Friday - boycott it, ask others to boycott it, and with good reason.
Black Friday is synonymous with fast fashion and the terrible impact that is has on our environment and those that work in the supply chain. Ridiculous price slashs to unsustainable levels can only lead to unethical wages and working conditions, and unsustainable products. Black Friday sales have also been exposed as not the benefits you think they are - often scams, fake discounts or dodgy and misleading marketing. Much of the narrative around black friday focusses on panic buying, and encouraging us to over consume, which leads to anxiety, and the impact on our planet being felt for years to come as we dispose of the excessive items bought under extreme discounting that we never really needed.
At Greenfibres we're fully against these kind of practices - we believe our maketing, and business as a whole should be honest, authentic